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Literary Awards and Achievements



-Kiriyama Prize Fiction Judge 2008


-The San Francisco Writers' Conference, presenter 2007


-Kiriyama Prize Fiction Judge 2007


-The Hawaii Book Publisher's Association presents WHEN STRANGE GODS CALL the 2005 Kapalapala Po'okela Award for Excellence in Literature


-Merritt College, Oakland, CA, Author presenter 2005


-The First San Francisco Writers Conference, Author presenter, 2004


-Board of Director, CAL Alumni Association, University of California at Berkeley, 2004-2007


-The Smithsonian Castle, Washington DC, co-sponsored by the Hawaii State Society, speaker 2004


-Named "Outstanding Overseas Chinese" by the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, San Francisco, CA at the 52nd Annual Overseas Chinese Day and Awards, Oct 15, 2004


-US-China Friendship Assn. Western Region Conference, Honolulu, HI, Keynote speaker, 2004


-The Bamboo Ridge Writers' Institute, presenter 2004


-The Rotary Club of Waikiki, speaker, 2004


-Interviewed on "Town Hall" on Hawaii PBS, 2004


-Alameda Literati, Author speaker 2004


-The University of San Francisco, Center for the Pacific Rim, San Francisco, CA, Pacific Rim Author Series Speaker 2004


-Pacific Rim Author Series speaker, The University of San Francisco Center for the Pacific Rim, San Francisco, CA, 2002


-National Archives and Records Administration, Reclaiming the Legacy, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in United States History, presenter, May 2002


-The Hawaii Book Publisher's Association awards THE MONEY DRAGON, Honorable Mention, Kapalapala Po'okela Award for Excellence in Literature, 2002


-The Bamboo Ridge Writers' Institute, 2002


-San Francisco's First Litquake, Author Presenter 2002


-Executive Advisory Board of the University of San Francisco, Center for the Pacific Rim, 2002